Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This and That

Delta did great at violin lesson, even though he hadn't practice nearly enough....  he got to play his violin!   And he focused pretty much the whole time, although he didn't want to do a few things (including singing "A" for some wierd reason....)


Morning was my baby circle - so the kids got to go to babysitting - apparently they played in the gym.   Afternoon was the violin lesson....


Late afternoon Delta was playing with his Lego ambulance, and made about 4 different race cars out of it!  (one at a time....) - they looked pretty good too!  So that is cool, I think he will be really good with Lego once he has more to work with!


Evening I did scripture mastery - I think they are getting pretty good with the 2nd one too....     Then we did reading cards.   Delta did a bunch (I was trying to review the new material with him...) - and he realized that some of the words are in "Hop on Pop".    I also had him read the first 3 sentences in the how-to-read book...  they are short sentences - and he seemed excited to go for it.    He then was "reading" Hop on Pop to himself - I think he is reading some, and going by memory some - but I think he is finding it satisfying....


Echo is doing good at blending (better than Delta)....  but is really confused by the last letter she learned...   And I'm not sure why....  So I'm trying to work mostly with that letter sound with her.   She was doing good, then started getting silly.... 


The weather is finally getting better, and a lot of the snow in the front yard is gone.... so we will see about getting out more.

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