Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ok - Yesterday....

Delta had group violin lesson - they are getting ready for the spring concert next month.... Looks like he is a little behind the other 3 kids that were there yesterday - they have started learning the "Monkey song" (basically a 4 note scale on each string...) - and he hasn't in indiv class actually touched the strings or even played the open string... sigh. In group class he is good at the open string practice. So he just played the open string while the rest played the notes.... He is really close though, he is practicing holding his fingers over the strings like umbrellas.... Oh - and at the concert he is going to get a little medal for 50 practices in 70 days!!!! (that I get to pay for....)

Did a bunch of running around in the car, at one place the kids and I were in the car alone waiting while Mike got some stuff in a store I just can't walk around in - so I pulled out the reading cards. Delta did much better at blending the words - and I got to make him more cards! Echo is doing good with her sounds - can't blend at all yet, but that is ok....

And - we got to visit with Mike's ex'es relatives (ok, kind of wierd)... one, Charlie's "Oma" lives nearby. Her sister is visiting for about a month I think - and only speaks German. They had Delta saying phrases - and "Oma" said that he would probably pick up other languages fast. (Not that I think he knew what he was saying....)

That was about it....

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