Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Day

Yesterday - Kids had their scheduled program right now - it is "painting rainbows".  Also, when the family went out, I took the letter cards and went through them in the car a couple of times.


Today - Delta had violin lesson - he has now learned to place his violin hand into playing position.....     Did ledges with the kids this evening....  Echo didn't do as well as she has..... so backed her letters a bit.  Delta was doing fine, except he couldn't sit still - but apparently he can do a long-jump over the card placement....  (hm - I'm impressed with the long jump....)    I also added "O"  (awe sound) for Delta, and had him sound out words with that - and that adds a lot of words...      He also managed to sound some out without helping him - so he is starting to get blending.....


Echo was doing 6 and 7 piece puzzles (the ones that fit together....)  by herself today (with the odd verbal suggestion from me).   Delta has been going crazy with puzzles too.   Didn't get a chance to do anything with writing....  


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