Well, it rained today, so we didn't get to do the leaf collecting that I'd told Delta we would do today. Hopefully it is nice tomorrow. Also, at swimming today, a lot of kids got report-cards with badges on them. As Delta didn't, I assume he hasn't passed yet. I'll be getting his report-card tomorrow. I think he is just so skinny that he can't float yet, and swimming is harder too. Oh well, he doesn't seem to notice or mind, and I'm assuming he is improving all the time....
Today was a BAD day - but did get some homeschooling in. I'd read up on the writing program, and it looks pretty good. It is setup to go along with a different reading program (but is supposed to be ok on its own) - it should be fine, but some of the terms and stuff is hard to figure out without using their reading program... I did a preliminary exersize with Delta. There is a bit of stuff I gotta do before really using it.
I also had Echo do a few of her reading cards - she now has over 100! (I introduced "D" to her, and added those words.) Delta also did some more of his sentences - which finished off the main sounds of the entire alphabet, along with a LOT of exceptions. According to the book, he would be reading at a grade 2 level now! But I don't think he is fluent enough to say that - so we need to work at practice.
I also read him the Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Oh, and they also played with the mosaic pegs. I have in mind that when I'm working with one child, the other can play with the mosaic - but although I haven't tried that, I have a hard time seeing that working, as I think that they would both be wanting to play with it.... it is going to be so much fun trying to work out how to keep Echo busy when working with Delta, and the other way around!
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