Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well, had baby circle in the morning - wasn't happy at all with the babysitting arrangements today for the older kids....  oh well.


Delta had his violin lesson - wasn't TOO co-operative, but did get a little done in review....  and this was his last lesson for the year.  We can pay for a few summer lessons - but it is basically it until September.   I had really wanted him to be playing Twinkle by now - oh well.


I also took Delta to the "old" baby circle - the one I attended when he and Echo were babies.  It starts same time as violin lesson.   Now that that is done, will probably move back to this one, as I prefer it, and so does Delta, and Echo likes it too.  Delta made something for Father's Day - it is wrapped so I have no idea.


This evening we went outside for a bit.  I drew some dandilions in my nature handbook.... and discussed with Delta how the seed is like a parachute so it can travel a bit.   We also got to see 2 squirrels chasing each other around one of our trees....


Overall a good day - but no reading work was done....

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