Saturday, February 16, 2008

2nd Day, Learning to Read

Day 2 is going pretty good so far.   Had to review what "U" says (Delta had forgotten) - and introduced "P" sound.    They both picked up on in right away.   (Delta did a search for "P" in a wordsearch - didn't bother with Echo was she was still eating (it was a time filler sort-of for Delta too) - and I was pleased to hear him saying the sound each time he found it.  ) 


Played the ledge game with the 2 letters.  As I expected, it created a bit of confusion, especially for Echo.   Other than a couple of mistakes at the beginning, Delta got it right each time.   Echo made more mistakes, but seemed to be getting it.  I think she'll have it a bit better by this evening - although I may try the blocks game with them to "mix-it-up" a bit to keep things fun....

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